GBWhatsApp 7.00 APK Available to Download with New Hide Features

WhatsApp doesn’t satisfy you anymore? But the other chat app doesn’t fit you as well? So you are still using this stiff WhatsApp version because you are used to it and it’s more natural, right? We have a proposal for you and your current old…
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Is Receiving a New Region – Nazjatar

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is the seventh expansion pack for the most massive and known multiplayer online game World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth was announced in November 2017, and it was released worldwide simultaneous for all regions in 2018….
Israeli spyware program used WhatsApp vulnerability to attack mobile phones

An announcement by The Financial Times says that a weakness in the WhatsApp application is being used to incorporate marketing spyware on to iOS and Android devices. The spyware was invented by Israel’s secret NSO group, and can be incorporated into the phones with no…
Red Dead Redemption 2 Latest Update Available to Download With New Fashion Changes

Marking its beta period ending, Rockstar has released a big update adding online poker, a new revolver, new long waited piece of clothing and new cooperative missions along with free roam activities. “Texas hold’em “is a variation of poker game similar with the minigame found…
RAGE 2 Is Released with Denuvo Anti-tamper Technology and a Vulkan API

RAGE 2 is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Avalanche Studio and published by Bethesda Softworks as a sequel of the game Rage from 2011. Your character will be a ranger named Walker, and you will explore the apocalyptic fiction open world from the…