20% of cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver can lead to cirrhosis

Living many years with non-alcoholic fatty liver can lead to cases of cirrhosis in 20% of patients if the condition is not diagnosed early. This is a common condition in the U.S.; It is an asymptomatic disease that generates a process of inflammation in the…
Facebook closes “multiple” accounts based in Russia

Facebook announced Thursday it deleted “multiple pages, groups or accounts” based in Russia, blaming them for “fictitious behavior.” “Today we have removed multiple pages, groups or accounts engaged in fictitious behavior on Facebook and Instagram,” Nathaniel Gleicher, head of cybersecurity for the world’s leading social…
Evidence of Changing Seasons, Rain on Titan’s North Pole

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft observations provide tangible evidence of precipitation at the North Pole of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. According to Rajani Dhingra and his colleagues at the University of Idaho, this precipitation would be an indication of the beginning of the summer season in the…
3000-year-old quinoa found in Ontario
Researchers at the University of Toronto discovered a large quantity of quinoa seeds grown in North America in the year 900 BC. J.-C, which sheds new light on the trade maintained at the time. The 140,000 seeds were found by archaeologists in 2010 as they assessed…
First transplant of iPS stem cells to treat Parkinson’s

A university in Japan announced that it has performed the first transplant of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) to treat Parkinson’s disease. The transplant, the first such treatment worldwide for the treatment of Parkinson’s, was made by the University Hospital of Kyoto, according to the…