Pokemon Go August Community Day To Feature Ralts

Many fans have been wondering what Pokemon they will be able to grab during the August Pokemon Community Day. Niantic has stepped up and announced that Ralts would be the Pokemon to star in the event. Community Day is going to be on the 3rd…
Pokemon Go August 2019 Community Day Rumors Emerged

Niantic has been working overtime with all sorts of promotional materials and events for Pokemon Go this summer. But they are not done yet, as rumors are flying around which Pokemon will star in the Pokemon Go August 2019 Community Day. The July Community Day…
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Community Day To Start Soon, The Calamity Brilliant Event Already Live

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is out for about a month now, and the developers from Niantic work now for bringing new updates for the game. Among many novelties of the latest Harry Potter: Wizards Unite 2.1.0 updates, Niantic also announced that the first Harry Potter:…