If as a PlayerUnknown Battle Ground player you can’t play your game because you are receiving the error message ‘Failed to initialize STEAM’, you should try out the recommended solutions below.
Fix: Failed to Initialize STEAM PUBG error
Solution 1: Force-stop and restart your STEAM
Here’s how:
- Hold down the Ctrl+Shift+ESC keys to launch Task Manager or simply type ‘Task Manager’ in your start menu and click on ‘Task Manager’ in the displayed result
- Scroll through to locate ‘Steam’ and PUBG processes and right-click on each process
- From the menu options, click on ‘End task’ to force-stop the process or simply click on the process and click on ‘End task’ at the bottom right of the task manager.
- Close the task manager and re-launch your game to check if the problem is fixed.
Solution 2: Run ‘Steam’ as administrator
Here’s how:
- Access your hard disk (C:) by pressing down the Windows key + E on your keyboard or by launching file explorer from the Windows menu.
- Double-click on ‘Local Disk (C:)’ to open
- Navigate to ‘Program Files (X86)’ > ‘Steam’
- In the steam folder, you should locate and right-click on Steam.exe and click on ‘Run as administrator’ > click on ‘Yes’ to confirm.
- Exit ‘Local Disk (C:)’ and re-launch your game to check if the problem is solved.
Solution 3: Disable ‘Run as Administrator’ for PUBG
Here’s how:
- Repeat steps 1-3 in solution 2 above
- From your ‘Steam’ folder, locate the ‘steamapps’ >> ‘common’>> ‘TslGame’>> ’Binaries’ >> ‘Win64’ >> right-click on ‘TslGame.exe in ‘Win64’ and click on ‘Properties’
- On the properties page, click on ‘Compatibility’ and uncheck the ‘Run this program as an administrator’ box
- Click ‘OK’ to save and exit.
- Re-launch your game to see if the problem is fixed
Solution 4: Disable ‘ Full-screen optimization’ for PUBG
Here’s how:
- Access your hard disk (C:) by holding down the Windows key + E on your keyboard or by launching your file explorer from the Windows menu.
- Double-click on ‘Local Disk (C:) to open
- Navigate to ‘Program Files (X86) > Steam
- From your ‘Steam’ folder, locate the ‘steamapps’ >> ‘common’>> ‘TslGame’>> ’Binaries’ >> ‘Win64’ >> right-click on ‘TslGame.exe in ‘Win64’ and click on ‘Properties’
- On the properties page, click on ‘Compatibility’ and ensure that the ‘Disable fullscreen optimizations’ box is checked or ticked.
- Exit and re-launch the game to check if it is fixed.
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