Card game enthusiasts will be happy to know that Hearthstone: Saviors of Uldum is now live. Yes, you can download and play it as of this moment. But in case you don’t know much about Hearthstone or this expansion, it would benefit you to read this article.
Blizzard promised an August update for Hearthstone and the company delivered. Content from the League of Explorers is being reused but in a new way for this expansion. This is due to popular demand from the game’s fanbase. The storyline has been a year in the making as the heroes find themselves in Egypt to combat some villainy taking root there.
What to expect?
The expansion has a certain perspective on Ancient Egypt that can possibly be compared to that of the ‘50s. Imagine if Lara Croft or Indiana Jones were downgraded to the point that they would essentially be Hardy and Laurel.
If you’re a fan of the kind of Scooby-Doo silliness, you would be happy to know that some creepy mummies will be included in the mix, along with an overpowered plague card that pretty much wipes out all of the board, by the look of things.
If you happen to get your hands on a card called Supreme Archeology, your best bet is to use it at the start of the match. It allows you to draw 20 cards which will be useful sooner rather than later. Did you ever dream about playing a Hero Power with zero mana cost? Well then, your dreams have come true with the help of the Tome of Origination that does just that.
Hearthstone changes
- Rogue ability Vanish and Priest Mind Blast moved to the Hall of Fame
- Basic and Classic sets got new cards
- Plaguebringer gives a friendly minion a poisonous attribute
- Radiance restores health on your hero
- Downtime for Tavern Brawls reduced to one hour per week