Facebook Messenger is perhaps the best known online messenger from the best known social media platform in the world. The service was recreated as a messaging platform in 2010 and the following year saw its release for iOS and Android. A pretty fast move, seeing that the smartphone was more or less created in 2009.
While the years passed by, the messenger has surpassed its initial function and is now used for a variety of communication and productivity-related needs. The mobile app functions separately from the Facebook app but the two can be linked.
Facebook Messenger Features
Text Messaging. The days where you hook up with a girl and exchange your landline or even mobile numbers are gone. For years now it’s all about texting. Online texting is the most popular.
Audio and video calls. People over 30 know how expensive it was to make a call in your local area, not to mention an international one. So, a free call over WiFi is a pretty wonderful thing that is available on Messenger.
Voice messages. These are great in those times when you just don’t have time to text out lots of information or when you want to be more personal. Texts do have their limitations. It also works when you’re too lazy to type.
Share photos and other files. A picture can be worth 1000 words. And people are taking a lot of pictures these days. Sharing them is something that makes sense, so do something interesting and send the proof to your friends.
Share location. This can be extremely useful in lots of situations. Rather than explaining where you are, sending your GPS location with Messenger is much easier. This can link up with your Maps app and give the person that wants to find you a direct route. Very good when visiting somewhere new.