We have some news for Android users whose browser app of choice is Chrome. Android device owners already have several ways to browse the internet and explore new content: the Google page in most app launchers, the Google home page, and the Chrome app itself.
If you want to find new articles to read, you will, for sure, stumble upon many suggestions. Some of them may be clickbait, but there are some excellent sources out there where you can spend your time reading about things that interest you.
Now, Google is planning to release a new method of discovering content. Soon, the Android Chrome app will feature a brand-new tab, labeled ”Explore.” According to Android Police, the new feature is already available in Chrome Dev and Canary, and it looks similar to Chrome’s New Tab page. Here is a screenshot of the new Explore tab in Chrome for Android:
Chrome For Android Might Get A New Explore Tab
If we made you curious and you want to try out the new Chrome feature and make your own opinion about it, Here is what you have to do:
- Install Chrome Canary or Dev
- Set #enable-two-panes-start-launcher in chrome://flags to ‘Enabled.’
- Set Chrome Duet (#enable-chrome-duet) to ‘Disabled’
- Set the tab grid layout (#enable-tab-grid-layout) to ‘Enabled’.
It is not known yet if the feature will be included in a future Chrome Beta update or even if it will be a mainline release feature. Google has made a habit out of testing out new features in the Chrome Dev and Chrome Canary, but not all of them make the cut to become mainline releases. Given how many discovery methods for new content already exist, there is a possibility that the Explore tab will not become a standard feature of the Android Chrome app.