Snaptube is an android app for searching and downloading movies, videos and music from various platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Instagram, Vuclip, Metacafe, SoundCloud, etc. without having to deal with annoying popup ads.
With Snaptube, users can download high-quality HD videos or movies at high speed, therefore, reducing the download time.
Features of Snaptube
- With Snaptube, you can download contents from many websites
- It gives users a better GUI and user experience
- You can search for contents on Snaptube by typing only the keywords
- Users can download and watch videos movies and music of their choice
- There are no pop-up ads
- It is easy to use
- You can sign in with your Gmail account to manage YouTube subscriptions, likes and comments
- More storage made available when you use Snaptube on PC
PC requirement for installing Bluestacks Android emulator
- OS version: Windows 10, 8, 7 and Vista
- Processor speed: minimum of 1.7GHz.
- RAM: minimum of 2gb
- HDD capacity: minimum of 16gb free space
- Updated device drivers
- Fast and stable internet connection
How to Install Snaptube on PC
There is no Windows version of Snaptube for PC, but users can install Snaptube on their Windows PC by following the steps described below.
- For Snaptube APK to work on Windows PC, you need to download and install an emulator on your PC.
Android OS Emulator works by creating an Android OS environment for Android apps to run smoothly on your PC.
For the sake of this tutorial, we will be using Bluestacks Android emulator.
- Download and install Bluestacks Android emulator from any app store of your choice on your PC.
- You will be prompted to log in with your Gmail account once the installation is completed.
- Download Snaptube APK from a trusted app store of your choice
- Locate the downloaded snaptube.apk file from your downloads
- Install with Bluestacks by right-clicking on the downloaded Snaptube and Clicking on ‘Open with’ >> BlueStacks Emulator from the options menu.
- The Snaptube APK will be installed in the ‘All Apps’ section of the Bluestacks emulator.
- To launch the Snaptube app, double-click on it from the ‘All Apps’ section of BlueStacks Android emulator.
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