Final Fantasy XIV just received its third expansion, Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers. The expansion brings a lot of new content and additional features. The Shadowbringers expansion pack coincides with the version 5.0 update of the game which also delivers some changes to the base game.
The latest version of Final Fantasy XIV became fully available for players all around the world on July 2.
What’s new in Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers expansion pack
New Jobs
- Gunbreaker: new Tank Job; gunblade weapons; Tank abilities;
- Dancer: new Ranged DPS Job; deal damage through a series of choreographed steps;
New Races
- Viera, a bunny-like race, and Hrothgar, a lion-like race, have been added to the game. Viera can only be played as female, while Hrothgar can only be played as male.
Trust System
- One of the most exciting parts of the Shadowbringer expansion is the Trust System. When running dungeons, you can choose AI teammates that can accompany you.
Charged Action System
- Now you can stock up on cooldown abilities in Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers. Basically, you can stack two executions and use them twice, without waiting for cooldown.
TP Eliminated And MP Capped
- TP is now completely gone from the game. Currently, your Weapon skills won’t be limited by TP costs anymore. Even more, now MP is capped at 10000 for everyone.
- The Piety stat has also been altered, o now it affects the rate at which your MP is restored during combat.
Role Quests
Besides a new Main Scenario, the Shadowbringers expansion also delivers Role Quests. There are four roles:
- Physical DPS
- Magical DPS
- Tank
- Healer
Each one of them receives a questline. To complete the Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringer expansion pack’s new main scenario, you must complete one set of Role Quests.