The Harry Potter legacy never gets old, as games based on the famous franchise are released even today. Hogwarts Legacy is one of them, a game that was released last year in February for PC and all major consoles.
Hogwarts Legacy is also an amazingly immersive open-world game that will make you addicted to it. The game’s storyline is set in the 1800s, and the player gets to be in the shoes of a student who holds the key to a powerful ancient secret. The wizardly world might have a lot to suffer because of that secret.
However, a lot of players struggle to complete the Floating Candles Map in Hogwarts Legacy, as some of them have been complaining online about its difficulty. But that’s why we’re here: to shed some light on the mystery and reveal how you can complete the mission.
Three possible scenarios
Depending on which one of the Hogwarts houses you choose, you will be given the floating candle map in four different ways. Let’s say you are a Hufflepuff in the game, for instance. In this case, you will receive The Prisoner of Love quest. You will also need to head to behind the shop from the Upper Hogsfield, as that’s the location of your map.
In case you are a Ravenclaw in Hogwarts Legacy, you need to know that the map will be waiting for you in the Owlery during the Last Heirloom quest of the Olivander.
How about for those situations when you’re a Gryffindor? In such a case, you will have to speak to Sir Patrick Delaney-Poddmore in The Hunt for the Missing Pages. The crypt that will appear next to the ghost will also reveal the map for you.
Let’s also not forget about the possibility of being a Slytherin in the game. In this case, you have to head over to the cave that is placed below Hogwarts during the Scrope’s Hope quest. Once you get there, you need to put an offering on the stand, and one of the hidden pieces of the cave will open for you, thus revealing the map.
The method is easy
In order to solve the floating candles map in Hogwarts Legacy, you will have to go to the Forbidden Forrest during the night. You will need to head over to the Forbidden Forest Floo network location. A wooden bridge will be there, and you will have to turn left and head over to the stone bridge. You will need to ignite the wand with Lumos at this point, and candles will emerge.
The Ghost of Our Love quest can easily be solved as long as the player follows the candles through the Forbidden Forrest with Lumos.
Running Hogwarts Legacy on the PC is usually more complicated than doing it through a PlayStation or Xbox console. That’s because the game requires at least a GPU such as NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 of 4GB or AMD Radeon RX 470 of 4GB, a minimum of 16GB of RAM, as well as a processor such as Intel Core i5-6600 (3.3Ghz) or AMD Ryzen 5 1400 (3.2Ghz).
Therefore, it’s best to play the game on a console, and there are plenty of possible options in this area to choose from. Hogwarts Legacy is compatible with Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 consoles.