It’s pretty impossible nowadays to imagine yourself using a device that can’t achieve Bluetooth connectivity. In fact, you can send a lot of files between a phone and a PC, as well as vice versa, due to Bluetooth compatibility. You can send photos, videos, and a lot more in such a way.
If you’re like most people out there, you’ve never heard about “ELK-BLEDOM” before. It is basically a generic Bluetooth chipset identifier that is mostly linked to smart LED strip lights. “BLE” from the term comes from Bluetooth Low Energy.
ELK-BLEDOM is NOT a hidden camera
Misinformation and conspiracy theories are everywhere out there, and those regarding ELK-BLEDOM also exist, whether we like to accept it or not. One of the misconceptions about ELK-BLEDOM is the term’s association with hidden cameras or even covert surveillance devices. Thanks to meticulous research from experts, we can say for sure that it’s just a myth.
How to eliminate ELD-BLEDOM from the Bluetooth list
Some people deal with the discomfort of seeing ELD-BLEDOM on their Bluetooth list, and surely, they wish to get rid of it. While such a task can be challenging at first, it’s time to dive into a more important guide:
Turn off Bluetooth scanning:
While some smartphones and devices are programmed to regularly scan for Bluetooth devices that might exist nearby, a cluttered list could appear. The solution is simple, as you need to fix the problem from the device settings. Most smartphones out there offer the possibility to disable automatic scanning or discovery, which means that you should definitely take advantage of that function!
Don’t shy away from having a conversation with the person representing the source of the ELK-BLEDOM device, as it could be a tech-savvy neighbor who has a new LED strip light. You will just have to approach the person politely and explain the circumstance. That neighbor of yours might not be aware that his device is broadcasting its name. He could adjust his device settings if you just inform him, and thus, both parties would benefit.
Take the distance into account:
You need to keep in mind that ELD-BLEDOM-associated devices are recognized for their robust Bluetooth signals, as they can reach distances of a maximum of 70 feet in some instances. In case the source might be represented by a neighboring device, such as one from an adjacent apartment or even house, it could make a difference if you simply relocate to a different part of your home. Even a few feet can make quite an impact, although you might be tempted to believe something totally different if you haven’t tried it.
Let’s not forget that each and every one of us has once been a beginner when it comes to technology, which means that we shouldn’t be rude to those who can’t seem to handle basic devices from the first try. It’s important to communicate openly and let others know that you are willing to help if needed.