We do not know about you, but last year’s Devolver Digital appearance at E3 was bloody and amazing. So it was this year, but you’ll have to see it for yourself – so we added this adorable image above to compensate for the full press conference added below, which was called “Devolver Direct” and took place in Devolver’s fictional Nina Struthers!
However, if you do not have time to check it out (but you know you want it), we have prepared a summary of what you missed last night.
Fall Guys – Ultimate Knockout
It is cute and colorful if you do not think too hard that these ‘fall guys’ actually die on the road to the final objective! Honestly, we cannot wait to play it when it is released early next year on PS4 and PC.
Devolver Bootleg
The highlight of the press conference was “Devolver Bootleg,” which is actually a collection of eight fake games, which are the rip-offs of their games – also sold for a great discount of 1%!
Here are all the games available in the collection:
- Enter the Gungeon (Enter the Gun Dungeon)
- Hotline Miami (Hotline Milwaukee)
- Ape Out (Ape Out Jr.)
- Downwell (Shootyboots)
- Luftrausers (Luftrausers 3)
- Absolver (Super Absolver Mini: Turbo Fighting Championship)
- Gato Roboto (Catsylvania)
- Pikunuku (Pikunuku Ball-Stars)
You must head over to www.devolverbootleg.com and see for yourself all the descriptions of the games because you’ll certainly have a great time reading them!
And because we couldn’t just finish this summary without something worth remembering, here’s our beloved Struthers annoyed that this monster was “super early” on the stage, revealing the new game developed by Phobia Game Studio and Devolver Digital.
New Game: Carrion
Called a reverse horror experience, it’s exactly what you’d think: you’re the bad guy and get to kill all the humans that get in your way. It’s bloody, and it has a lot of… let’s say tentacles (because bloody intestines sounds too graphic). It will be available in 2020, on PC and consoles.
An Arcade For Enter the Gungeon – House of the Gunhead
Yes, Devolver Digital is releasing an actual arcade for Enter the Gungeon which will be available in 2020, soon to be available for preorder.
Other Games Announced:
The Messenger Picnic Panic – coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC on July 11.
My Friend Pedro: Blood. Bullets. Bananas. – coming to Nintendo Switch, and PC on June 20.
You must love Devolver’s strange conferences! Check out the full video provided by IGN: