The character that you pick to play in Risk of Rain 2 is very important because it will change the way you play the game. Finding the character that is the perfect fit for your playstyle is essential to having fun in Risk of Rain 2 and today we are going to help everyone to do that by presenting a short guide on how to unlock the Huntress, MUL-T and the Engineer which are two of the most popular and powerful characters in the game.
How to Unlock the Huntress
The first character that all Risk of Rain 2 players need to unlock is the Huntress. The reason behind this is that the Huntress is quite simple to obtain and everyone can do it really fast. The only thing that players need to do in order to unlock the Huntress is to unlock the achievement called “Warrior”. This achievement is unlocked after players complete the third teleported without dying once.
How to Unlock Mul-T
Mul-T is known as the jack of all trades in the game because this character can do about anything. The fun part about unlocking Mul-T is that its super easy because the only thing that players need to do is to get the “Verified” achievement which gets unlocked after players defeat the first level’s teleport boss five different times, in five different games.
How to Unlock the Engineer
As previously noted, the Engineer character is one of the most popular ones in the game. However, the Engineer is not available to everyone at the start of Risk of Rain 2 and players will need to spend some time grinding out areas in order to unlock the Engineer. Players who want to access this character will need to clear 30 areas. Luckily, these areas don’t need to be cleared in one life.