
Saints Row Stuttering Problem [Quick Fix]

saints row stuttering problem

Is Saints Row stuttering on your PC? Follow through this post to fix it.

A notorious stuttering problem, which generally reduces frame rate (FPS) has been observed on Saints Row 4 and the preceding version – Saints Row 3. The cause of this problem has been attributed to low system specs and outdated graphics drivers among others.

In any case, here are some things you can do to resolve the problem.

Fix: Saints Row Stuttering Problem

As pointed out earlier, this error is typically encountered on Saints Row 3, and particularly on Saints Row 4.

To fix the error (in both editions), below are some solutions:

Note: Ensure your PC is not overheating, as this can cause reduced processing rate. Also, try and clear out dust or dirt from the air vents of your PC.

Solution 1: Upgrade or Reinstall DirectX

A number of gamers claimed that playing the game – Saints Row 3 – with an upgraded version of DirectX fixed the problem for them. Hence, ensure you are running the game on nothing less than DirectX9 (for Saints Row 3) and DirectX11 (for Saints Row 4).

Better still, you can try and reinstall an updated version of the program and see if the stuttering problem is resolved.

Solution 2: Update Drivers

This is practically the most notorious cause of this error. Basically, an outdated graphics drivers would definitely slow down the FPS rate of the game (and other games/apps).

Therefore, navigate to the website of your graphics card manufacturer and install the latest drivers. In most instances, this is the ultimate solution.

If the problem persists, you can try the next solution.

Solution 3: Disable Superfetch

Superfetch, though a performance-enhancing feature, could affect the loading rate of high-end games like Saints Row. So, you can try and disable the feature, and see if the stuttering problem is resolved.

To do this (on Windows 7):

This should increase the loading rate (and FPS) of Saints Row.

Closing Note

If none of the solutions above could resolve the issue, it’s possible that your PC does not meet the standard (recommended) system requirements. Hence, you may have to upgrade your PC.

Hope you find this helpful?

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