
How To Maximize Your Computer Storage In 4 Easy Steps

When it comes to taking care of your computer and helping it support you in whatever digital tasks you are trying to get done, nothing is more helpful than understanding your use of storage and what you can do to maximize your storage options. A computer that’s filled to the brim runs slower, particularly when it comes to gaming or working with creative programs designed to help you create artistic videos or images; it also increases the length of time it takes to get any work done as before you safe something new, you’ve got to scroll through everything you’ve saved on your computer and figure out what to get rid of to make space. The following will explore some of the things you can do to improve your computer’s storage situation.

When Deleting Files Sort By File Size

If you’re reading this article with a computer that is already completely full, a simple practice that can really help you during your sprees of deleting files is to sort files in your finder by file size. This will allow you to get rid of the things that are taking up the most space, making it much faster to create a little room for that essay that you need to print off and run to your lecture hall in twenty minutes. You might be surprised which files are taking up so much of your computer’s available storage.

Starting Over Fresh

Of course, maybe you don’t want to get rid of a few files; maybe you want a clean slate. This is pretty easy to accomplish. Furthermore, walks you through the process all the while keeping your security in mind. If you are unaware of how to write a blog, consider checking out 501words to start your own blog.

In many instances, if you’re looking for a fresh start, the recycle bin empty button isn’t going to complete the process for you. There are remnants leftover of everything you’ve done on your computer, but a wipe can get rid of that and leave you with a nice empty computer.

Consider Cloud Storage

If you need to keep the things that are filling your computer up and leaving it running slow, you might want to look into cloud storage options. Cloud storage is digital storage. The name comes from the sense that things stored digitally seem to be floating in the air or ether, like clouds. There are countless different digital cloud storage options available, some free, some paid for, and many hybrid options where a certain amount of space is free and additional space after the quota is met is paid for. There are also a variety of different security options available. With cloud storage, you simply upload the file you want to save to the digital sphere, and then you’re done. Many businesses are already using cloud storage as a means to support their high storage demands.

Consider an External Harddrive

External hard drives are nifty little devices that plug into your computer, almost always through a USB port that you can save files on. When you’re done working with the drive, you can unplug it and carry on with your computer tasks as normal. This method is particularly useful for people who are managing several different projects at one time. With a drive dedicated to each project, you know that you’re not going to run out of space and that everything you need will be kept in one place. It’s important that if you go this route, you learn about caring for external hard drives. They have preferences in regards to temperature and humidity and are sensitive to being shaken or dropped. Some people seek out harddrive cases designed specifically to keep your precious files safe.

The above information should help you deal with an abundance of files on your computer and also keep things clean once you’ve tidied everything up. If you are working with files that are valuable to you for personal or work-related reasons, it’s always best to have a backup. Ideally, your backup would occur in a different format and location than your original copies. This way, if your office gets flooded, for example, you’ve still got a digital copy on the cloud.

It is also crucial that you take extra security precautions when you’re dealing with other people’s data. Anything that contains someone’s phone number, financial information, or other private information should be kept in a secure location, be that digital or analog. The world is quickly waking up to the damages that can be done when data is stolen and misused, and clients, friends, and employees are expecting you to be taking safety measures when they share their information with you.

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