A Japanese historical manga series, Vinland Saga, was written and illustrated by manga author Makoto Yukimura is a thrilling watch. The manga has a total of 23 volumes. With just one season out, the series has made quite an impact on the audience. Season one was released in 2019. The tales in Vinland saga are based on the Vikings from the 11th century.
The story is about a true warrior in the Age of Turmoil. The protagonist is the big dreamer of the land of paradise known as Vinland. He lives a peaceful life with his father, who is a former warrior. But later in a battle, his father was killed. Thorfinn was full of rage and wanted to take revenge for his father’s death. Season one has 24 episodes to binge-watch and get surprised with all the mysteries.
The season one finale episode was released on December 29, 2019. Since season one release, there were various rumors on Season 2 for the manga series.
Here is everything you should know about your loved series Vinland Saga Season 2!!
Release Date: Vinland Saga Season 2
Season two will happen, and that is confirmed. But, the creators haven’t given out any official statements on the same. Since we know the situation we are stuck in. All the production houses are shut due to the coronavirus outbreak. Expecting a season to release anytime soon is not possible. Safety for the cast and crew members is the foremost right now. We believe the show will release its season two sometime in 2021. However, due to the pandemic, the makers haven’t revealed any new information. Similarly, we predict the trailer for the second season will launch two or three weeks before the actual release. You guys don’t worry we’ll keep you posted with every tad bit detail!!
Cast: Vinland Saga Season 2
You must remember these major characters from season one, you admired them Askeladd, Bjorn, Thors, Thorkell, and Canute. They will be returning back for season two of the show. The exact cast can only be updated after we hear any official news from the creators. They might have additions in the cast, but no update is provided for the same.
Plot: Vinland Season 2
In the previous season, we saw how Thorfin’s father Sweynn died. This left a major impact on Throfin and also he was left with nobody to be within his life. The next chapter will notice Thorfinn’s efforts and the more challenges he deals with without any support from his father. Also, we will be observing how Throfin is eager and full of rage to take revenge for his father’s death.
Thorfinn will be seen at war with his enemies in the upcoming season. Whereas on the other side Vikings are desperate to earn fame and power and want to become superior to everyone. The show will be filled with adventure and action.
Stay tuned for more updates on your admired show. Till then, you should check out my article on all updates of the Amazon Prime series, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4.”
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