Japanese anime television series Haikyuu season 4 episode 14: Release Date and Cast

Haikyuu!! is a Japanese anime television series falling under the genres of comedy, sports, and coming of age story. The first three seasons were directed by Susumu Mitsunaka and produced by Shinya Shinozaki, Tomoyuki Saitō, Kozue Kananiwa, Wakana Okamura, Toshihiro Maeda, and Fumi Morihiro. It’s the first season premiered on Japan News Network on 6th April 2014 and has been successfully continuing since then. Other than the anime television series, it is also available in the form of a manga adaptation and serval anime movies.

Haikyuu!! recently released its fourth season that is divided into two parts. Hence, the first part aired from January 2020 to the month of April. The end of it revealed the poster, which said, “To be continued..”.
However, while the second part starting from the fourteenth episode was to be aired in the month of July this year, the official website of the series announced on 22nd May that it might be delayed due to the current pandemic situation that has caused all the production processes to take a break. The announcement also said that the makers of the show would inform the new releasing date for the second part as soon as they figure it out on their Twitter handle and their official website. Moreover, it was also mentioned that the production committee would ensure safety measures are followed in the future against the Coronavirus.

The plot of the second part of Haikyuu!! will pick up the study from where its part left it. Hence, we will get to see Inarazaki High and Karasuno High continuing their latch in the fourteenth episode, which started in the finale of the thirteenth episode on 3rd April. In team Inarazaki High, we have Ojiro Aran and Suna Rintaro as the key players. Both of them are strong enough for the coach of Karasuno High, to advise his team, including its key player, Miya Atsumu, to try to keep the ball away from them as a winning tactic.

The post Japanese anime television series Haikyuu season 4 episode 14: Release Date and Cast appeared first on Gizmo Blaze.

About the Author: Sharon J. Beaulieu

Sharon J. Beaulieu is a seasoned technology writer at TechHX.com, where she combines her rich experience in software engineering with a passion for storytelling. With a background in computer science and a career spanning over a decade in tech development, Sharon offers a deep and nuanced understanding of the tech industry. Her articles are known for their in-depth analysis and clear explanations of complex tech concepts, making them accessible to a wide range of readers. Sharon's commitment to providing accurate and current tech insights has made her a respected and authoritative voice in the tech journalism community. Her work not only informs but also encourages readers to explore and understand the evolving digital landscape.

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