
How to uninstall FaceApp from your smartphone

uninstall faceapp from device

FaceApp is a mobile app developed by Wireless Lab, a Russian company in Jan 2017. The app uses AI to alter faces in photographs to make it look older, younger, smile or change sex.

The dangers of using FaceApp

However, FaceApp’s terms and conditions give the app owners the permission to use uploaded images for commercial purposes and also store these images after users have deleted the app from their mobile devices. The terms and conditions also grant the owner permission to send the user’s data to any place it chose to.

Although the app has more than 80 million users, reports reaching  FaceApp users claim that it is dangerous to keep FaceApp installed on their mobile devices. For these reasons, more users are beginning to worry about uninstalling FaceApp from their mobile devices.

How to uninstall FaceApp from Android devices

If you wish to uninstall FaceApp from your Android device, follow these simple steps.

Solution 1

Solution 2

How to uninstall FaceApp from iOS devices

Solution 1

Solution 2

Deleting FaceApp data from FaceApp servers

Uninstalling FaceApp from your device does not automatically delete your data from FaceApp servers.

To have your data removed from FaceApp servers, follow the steps below

Note: this should be done before uninstalling the app from your device.

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