
Chrome 75.0.3770.143 For Android Brings Improved Password Manager And Improvements

Many smartphone users are familiar with Google Chrome, the excellent browser developed and offered by Google. Like its bigger PC brother, the mobile version of Chrome comes with a variety of tools and features which make it an excellent choice for daily use. Chrome 75.0.3770.143 for Android launched with improved passwords manager, bug fixes, and speed improvements.

In most cases, Google Chrome is already pre-loaded on any Android device and ready to use right off the bat. Below you can find more information about the app and the latest Chrome 75.0.3770.143 update.

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Chrome 75.0.3770.143 For Android Brings Improved Password Manager And Improvements

The new Chrome 75.0.3770.143 update for Android doesn’t come with any new features or visual changes. However, it launches with some enhancements.

The latest Chrome 75.0.3770.143 version for Android comes with an improved password manager and a selection of bug fixes. You can already update the app from the Google Play Store.

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