Goblin Slayer this manga was written by Jump Kagyu and Noburo Kannatsuki. The journey of priestess starts with Adventure, and she went on defying Goblins. This series became an instant hit and got many positive reviews and have created an enormous fan base. It comes under the genre of Dark fantasy which contains many fighting sequences, it is appreciated for its story scene-creation and sound effects. Its story was adapted from the Light Novel with the same name and epitomized by Noboru Kannatsuki. This series is brought to you by Sun TV, Tokyo Mx, BS 11 & ATSC. Anyone can watch this series on Crunchyroll and Funimation.
Release Date and other information :
This series is going to be renewed for a second time. However, the release date was expected to be shifted in the further year as the world is suffering from the COVID 19 pandemic. Which have already gripped many shows and series due to which shows are on continuous postpone? However officially no release dates are available regarding the season 2. Neither any crucial information are shared from officials.
It suggests the voice artist details who have given to voice to which character which is one of the most vital aspects which have an appreciable impact on the quality of Anime. Here what we found for you
Japanese voice-over :
- Priestess by Hui Ogura
- Goblin Slayer Yuchiro Umehara
- High Elf Archer – Nao Toyama
- And many more….
English voice overs
- Dwarf Shaman by Barry Yandell
- Priestess by Hayden Daviau,
- High Elf Archer by Mallorie Rodak.
- Goblin slayer by Brad Hawkins
And supporting voice artist are also There. There are many commotions spreading related to the official release. But there is not official information regarding the release date.
Stay tuned for more updates!
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