Grace and Frankie is a comedy series that debuted on Netflix on May 8, 2015. The series is created by Howard Morris and Marta Kauffman. The first season consisted of 13 episodes. Followed by six more seasons. Each of the six seasons consisted of 13 episodes as well. Making it a total of 78 episodes. The sixth and previous season of the series premiered on January 15, 2020.
Grace and Frankie, after its debut on Netflix, received mixed reviews. But after the first season, the following seasons received a positive reception. Helping the series grow its popularity. The show has received several nominations. The nominations include: for outstanding lead actress in a comedy series, it was nominated five times for Emmy Awards. Along with it, the series also received a Golden Globe Award nomination for Best Actress in the category of Television Series Musical or Comedy.
Season 7 of Gracie and Frankie has officially been confirmed, and fans are delighted. Season 7 is said to be the final and last installment in the series. The previous six seasons are available for streaming on Netflix.
Gracie and Frankie Season 7: Release Date
Even before the premiere of the sixth season, Gracie and Frankie were renewed for a seventh and final season. Netflix renewed the series on September 4, 2019. The seventh season is said to consist of 16 episodes. 3 episodes more than the previous six seasons. A total of 94 episodes will be there in the series. Which will make the series the longest-running Netflix show.
On March 12, reports were that production for season 7 was stopped due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not yet known as to when the series shall resume shooting. No official release date has been confirmed yet.
Gracie and Frankie Season 7: Cast
The cast of Gracie and Frankie Season 7 has been confirmed. The cast includes :
- Jane Fonda plays the character of Grace Skalka
- Lily Tomlin plays the character of Frances “Frankie” Bergstein
- Sam Waterston plays the character of Sol Bergstein
- Martin Sheen plays the character of Robert Hanson
- Brooklyn Decker plays the character of Mallory Hanson
- Ethan Embry plays the character of Coyote Bergstein
- June Diane Raphael plays the character of Brianna Hanson
- Baron Vaughn plays the character of Nwabudike “Bud” Bergstein
Gracie and Frankie Season 7: Plot
In season 6, we saw the ex-husbands of Grace and Frankie, explain to the exploding of the rise up toilet. Robert and Sol furthermore tell them that the toilet that was gifted by Frankie exploded, and flooded their entire house. The flooding made the house inhabitable until the toilet was fixed.
Their former husbands find themselves to be homeless for the time being. Thus, a decision is made regarding them shifting with Grace and Frankie. Fans have theories that this finale shall set up new comic scenes for season 7. In the upcoming season, we might see the former wives adjusting to living with their ex-husbands once again after years of separation.
On the other hand, Brianna and Barry almost break up for good in the finale of Season 6 over Brianna not wanting to marry. But by the end, we see her asking him to get engaged to her permanently instead of getting married. We can hope that she changes her mind, and decides to marry. Season 7 may feature another wedding with Gracie and Frankie.
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