If you are using Hola VPN at the moment, we recommend you stop because the app you consider your Security Guard is actually stealing your money, just as this VPN. Do you not believe us? Here are a few reasons that might change your mind.
Here’s Why You Should Uninstall Hola VPN Right Now
Dubious connection
Because Hola VPN is a free service, its developers are obviously trying to reduce the costs as much as possible, but the method they have chosen does not bring the users any benefits. A peer-to-peer system is being used, which means that you are using the connection and IP address like of someone else while using Hola VPN. With that being said, traffic is transmitted from one person to another using a proxy server.
Bandwidth Concern
Hola is doing a lot of bad things, but this one is truly the worst. Bandwidth is being sold to Hola users and then to other bidders until everything becomes one. With that being said, if one person feels like doing something malicious, every person using this app will turn into collateral damage, including you.
Your information is unsafe
As soon as you start using Hola VPN, this service logs lots of information. Your internet activity is collected by this app, so it does not sound as reliable anymore. Hola, in contrary to most of the other VPN services, logs off your information, but this one keeps it for itself. This service is incredibly unsafe, insecure, and unreliable. All your personal information, such as the websites you access and the details you provide them are shared by Hola with unknown “subsidiaries, affiliated companies.”
With that being said, even though these are only three reasons why Hola is not a good VPN service, you have enough to convince yourself you should swipe to another facility.