Mr. Robot is an American drama thriller television series created by Sam Esmail for the USA network. It is a cybercrime-related show which includes 4 seasons as of now. The show is based on hacking activities. The out of the box factor, in this series, is the availability of real content which lead to a major hit of the show. For instance, the hacking activity shown on-screen includes the real-life codes and methods used in hacking.
Unlike, other shows wherein a click on the computer it shows “Hacking complete”. To make this possible Sam Esmail took the assistance of an actual computer programmer and an ethical hacker. Although the series is quite interesting, it is also complicated and bewildering at some parts.
The most intriguing part of the series is the plot of the series. The story is of a cyber engineer named Elliot, who is a patient of depression and social anxiety. Elliot holds grudges towards the E-CORP company. E-CORP company is a big organization which controls all the market. We can say that E-CORP is a package of Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Bitcoin. In past years E-CORP company faced a major accident where due to a chemical plant leak many of the workers had to suffer from cancer. Elliot’s father(who worked there) had to pay for the consequence and sadly faced death.
Since then Elliot refers to E-CORP as “Evil CORP.” In his free time, Elliot hacks information regarding the criminals and passes to the police. During the day Elliot works as a normal cybersecurity engineer whereas, at night he turns into a professional mafia hacker. Further on, he wants to desire the E-CORP company for which he seeks help from Mr. Robot and they form a group calling themselves as X-society. One of the main shocking information which discloses is that Elliot suffers from Dissociative Personality Disorder. Furthermore, as the story unfolds many appalling truths are revealed.
After reversing the Five/Nine hacks, Elliot and Mr. Robot move on to attack the Dark army. Their plan is to seize all the money from White Rose, the leader of the Dark Army, and pass it on to the local citizens of the country. Soon Elliot learns that all the money of the Dark Army is hidden in Cyrus International Bank. Furthermore White Rose senses that Elliot is up to some conspiracy against her. After which she drugs Elliot and leaves him to die, Until the CEO of E-CORP, Philip Rise reaches on time and saves him. Philip also holds grudges against White Rose, as his daughter had recently been killed by her army.
Meanwhile, a lot of twists take place. But, hold on the major twist is yet to reveal.
The season ends with the most shocking twist which takes place. We all know that Elliot has Multiple personality disorder, due to which he creates a personality named Mr.Robot, which means that Elliot and MR. Robots are two different personalities. But, multiple personalities means more than two personalities living in one body. Then, where is the third personality?
So, pay heed to this, the Elliot which we are seeing from season 1, the Elliot in black hoodie cybersecurity engineer who works to save the world isn’t the actual Elliot. YES! He is another personality, created by the real Elliot. The named of this black hooded Elliot is “THE MASTERMIND”, who trapped the real Elliot in a dream world to keep him safe from reality. This means that the Elliot trapped in his dreams is the real Elliot and our favorite Elliot is just an imaginary personality.
After waking up from his imaginary world Elliot learns about things from his sister which took place. It was seen that the real Elliot is back to the.
The most recent season 4 of Mr. Robot concluded after airing on television on December 22, 2019. Alas! It was the final season of the hit drama series. The USA network has officially confirmed that there will be no season 5 for Mr. Robot. Here’s what the series showrunner Sam Esmail said addressing the fans,
“Since day 1, I’ve been building toward on conclusion — and in making Season 4 of Mr. Robot, I have decided that conclusion is finally here. Everyone on the creative team, including the amazing people at USA and UCP, didn’t want to say goodbye, but we ultimately have too much respect for Elliot’s journey to extend past it inevitable ending.”
So, unfortunately, we don’t get to see season 5 for Mr. Robot.
The post Mr. Robot season 5: Christian Slater and Portia Doubleday are coming back or not? Know the release date ,plot , recap of the season and latest news. appeared first on Gizmo Blaze.