Apple is on a high tide right now with the new iOS 13 leaks and maybe a potential future iOS to the new iPhone 11. Besides this, Apple is upgrading its new iPhones with huge features. One of the great features of the new iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Max is the best class camera with night mode and better speakers. Also, Max will get a bigger battery capacity that will increase by over 25%.
The first look is on the battery, and the famous YouTuber, Filip Koroy says that the iPhone 11 Max is the device with the biggest battery on iPhone lineup. It will have around 4.000 mAh, and the increase is massive if we look at the 3174 mAh from the iPhone XS Max. So if XS Max comes with the most extended and lasting battery for an iPhone, then iPhone 11 Max has to be better and maybe even cost twice.
The second feature that we are looking at is the nigh mode. Koroy says that Apple is trying to match its rivals, and now they are adding this dedicated Night Mode to the camera. The Night mode will work automatically with the light conditions of the environment. If everything is right, then Apple’s night mode settings will beat the ones from Huawei and Google.
Also, the improved speakers will happen with the new iPhone 11. The reports are showing that the device will have a step up for the speaker quality. But the enclosure will be small because of the larger battery, so we don’t know exactly how it will work out. From Koroy, we find out that technology Apple has a patent for a speaker, and the company is using a new material for boosting acoustics. It will be positioned in the back portion of the speakers.
Finally, if Apple is adding these three improvements alongside the new iOS 13, then the iPhone 11 will steal the heart of many fans, and maybe they will make an exception with the ugly design.